Proactive Dental Treatments
This category should be an active goal of every patient to obtain a healthy mouth and to help assure the best long-term prognosis for all your teeth and gums.
Exams always precede any dental treatment. This allows for appropriate assessment of your oral condition, accurate diagnosis, and a straightforward plan for treatment options.
Exams help identify disease-causing conditions, pathology, oral cancers, and other concerns you may have regarding your mouth.
For most cases we recommend complete comprehensive exams at least every three years and condensed periodic exams annually. We highly recommend our low-radiation radiographs be taken during the exams to allow for greater diagnostic accuracy and your benefit.
Periodontal Cleaning
One of the highest priorities to a healthy mouth is a professional cleaning by a dental hygienist. If a cleaning is not performed then no amount of long-term success will follow any dental treatment you seek. Even if you brush religiously, plaque and tartar still fester underneath the gums (gingiva) on the roots, which cannot be removed even from meticulous brushing and flossing alone.
Cleanings range from simple to complex, one visit versus several varying by each case. A maintenance schedule should be followed consistently for the rest of your life ranging from one to three times per year if not more. We will always stress the importance of regular and consistent cleanings for your overall health.
Digital Radiography
Our digital x-ray machines emit 85% less radiation than traditional x-ray machines. Digital radiography provides quicker results and less waiting for you.
How much radiation would you receive from our x-ray machine? An FMX (18 films) is equivalent to the same radiation received doing normal every-day living for five days or taking a flight from NYC to Los Angeles, or 2.7% of the radiation you would get from smoking 1.5 packs of cigarettes in a day.*
Dental radiographs are extremely essential for an accurate diagnosis. We follow the ADA guidelines taking films only when necessary. Though not an absolute, for most patients we have found it beneficial to receive an FMX on average every three years and intermittent bitewings (four to six films) annually or biannually.
Mouth Guards
Mouth guards are not limited to athletes alone. If you have ever bought a boil-and-bite from the store you know how excessive use can feel like it's actually hurting your teeth rather than helping.
A night guard can protect many forms of heavy biting or grinding of teeth especially while sleeping. If you suffer from jaw pains or have had new crowns placed in your mouth, both conditions can benefit from a night guard.
For you athletes, a professional mouth guard is far more effective and protective than a store-bought boil-and-bite guard...just ask any professional hockey player.
Polishing Restorations
Particularly amalgam silver fillings, but when restorations get older they tend to corn flake--start peeling away from the teeth. This leaves openings and cracks for bacteria to seep in. Instead of replacing the filling sometimes you can avoid getting a new filling by smoothing and polishing the original filling so it looks and acts as if was a brand new one.
Preventative Care
Brushing twice a day and daily flossing may not be enough protection for your teeth. Conditions may plague you like bad breath, dry mouth, or every time you visit the dentist you always seem to have a new cavity.
Ask Dr. Nelson during your visit more about ways of combating those conditions. There are many products to control your mouth's pH levels, improve your mouth's environment, and eradicate any chronic, negative oral condition you may suffer from.
Children and teenagers are most susceptible at getting cavities (caries) on the biting surfaces mainly on the back teeth. Sealants are a very viscous filling material that fill in those deep grooves then harden like a filling. Sealants are not intended to last a lifetime. They never require needing anesthetic (shots) and the treatment is easily tolerated by your child. The quick minutes it takes to place a sealant make your child's cavity-prone years all the more protected from decay.